Is a Breathable Crib Mattress Necessary?

Breathable mattresses claim to reduce the risk of suffocation; however, this claim may be misleading since there's no proof that rebreathing expired carbon dioxide causes SIDS.

Many breathable mattresses are not waterproof and thus exposed to bodily fluids such as spit-up, urine, sweat and other bodily waste that can lead to microbial growth including mildew and fungus growth that requires lengthy drying times, leaving your baby without an unpolluted mattress.


Though purchasing breathable crib mattresses with claims of reduced SIDS can be tempting, parents need to be aware that not all mattresses are created equal. Some "breathable" models actually trap harmful carbon dioxide that could cause suffocation or sudden unexpected infant death syndrome (SUID).

Problematic "breathable" crib mattresses are evaluated using mock babies rather than actual children for safe sleep testing purposes, measuring how long it takes for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from exhales of an imaginary infant to dissipate from its surface after they inflate and exhale on a mock mattress surface surface after inflation/exhales by said mock baby.

These tests indicate that most breathable crib mattresses only pass muster due to using porous fabric at their surface that cannot be washed clean, creating hygiene issues by permitting urine, drool and spilled milk seepage into its core, where mold, bacteria, fungus or other forms of microbiological growth can take hold.

Temperature Control

Mattress manufacturers frequently boast that breathable mattresses help reduce infant suffocation. This may be true if the layer design traps carbon dioxide and cuts off oxygen flow; unfortunately, most infant deaths do not happen this way.

Suffocation risks become greater with soft bedding or blankets over the baby's face or toys or pillows rolled up inside their crib, such as soft toys. Firm, well fitted sheets are recommended as an effective preventative measure against this risk of suffocation.

At Naturepedic, our breathable crib mattress is created with your baby's safety in mind. Made of organic cotton with 3-dimensional polyester lattices to enhance airflow and temperature regulation. Plus, GREENGUARD Gold certified for low chemical emissions standards while being free of phthalates, vinyl/PVC and polyurethane foam which could emit potentially dangerous gases as well as passing flammability standards without using fire retardant chemicals or barriers – meaning less potential danger for your little one!


A breathable mattress can become contaminated over time by bodily fluids like pee, poop, sweat, drool, vomit and others that accumulate from your infant's bodily functions such as peeing or pooping on it, sweating excessively or vomiting causing mildew and fungus to form, which then expose your infant to potentially harmful microbes.

Many breathable mattresses feature porous surfaces, which allow liquids to seep into their core and become hard or impossible to remove, creating an environment rich with microbes that your infant inhales while sleeping.

Naturepedic has developed a safer and more practical solution: our breathable crib mattress features a plant-based food-grade polyethylene waterproof layer – one of the safest ways to keep urine, feces and other liquids off your mattress surface – with direct ventilation capabilities provided through its outer cover, should your baby require direct breathing through their mattress cover if required and an easy process for regular maintenance by simply removing outer covering for cleaning purposes. All that's required to ensure optimal sleep for both mother and child: firmness under fitted sheets covered by fitted sheets with no blankets, toys or loose clothing during sleeptime!


Many breathable crib mattresses aren't waterproof, leaving their interior exposed to liquids such as urine, feces and sweat which can lead to mold and mildew formation on them. Babies could breathe these microorganisms directly, potentially leading to breathing issues or other health concerns.

Cleaning mattresses more frequently may also mean having to deal with bacteria buildup and mold growth in them, leaving your infant without somewhere comfortable to rest their head for hours at a time. Unfortunately, cleaning such breathable mattresses is sometimes inconvenient or impossible – creating more work for yourself in terms of cleaning time required and possible inconvenience for everyone involved.

Newton Baby offers a breathable crib mattress that is completely waterproof, without foam or chemicals – certified GREENGUARD Gold to ensure safe and healthy sleeping conditions for your infant.
